How can I replace a damaged Clicwall panel?
Removing a damaged panel is only possible if the panels were attached using staples or screws.
1.Set the saw depth to 10 mm and cut the panel lengthwise, 50 mm from the seam on the groove side.
2. Complete the cut at the top and bottom with a multitool saw.
3/ Remove the left side of the panel.
4. Remove the remaining piece on the groove side by moving a screwdriver up and down between the substructure and the panel to pry the screws and staples loose from the substructure.
5. The damaged panel is now fully removed.
6. Take a new panel and saw off the lip of the groove as indicated in the figure.
7. Using a pot drill, make a countersunk hole in the back of the panel next to the cut groove. For non-permanent attachement,place round magnets in this hole to attach the panel to the metal studs or wooden beams. If there are wooden beams, these should also be fitted with magnets to keep the panel removable. For permanent attachment, you can glue the new panel with MS polymer.
8. Place the cut panel into the groove and click it into place.