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Clicwall: quick to fit for an all-round look


Clicwall offers a quick, neat and tidy solution for both facing and intermediate walls. For the moment at least, its application is somewhat less well known than its plastered and painted counterparts, but the pace at which these panels are proving their worth is quickening. Let’s take a look at some of the excellent features and case studies for Clicwall.

A brand-new wall – quickly and without dust

When you think new wall, you instantly think plasterboard. But what if you didn’t have to fill in and sand holes and could avoid all those splashes and dust? With Clicwall, you can have the panels cut to size beforehand. You can then attach the panels to the wood or metal substructure quickly, and you’re done! No sanding dust in the air, no dust stuck in the corners – no excessive cleaning needed afterwards. You can install Clicwall without getting your hands dirty, and all with an instant, finished result.

Clicwall decorative wall covering

Innumerable colour and material options

With traditional walls, your decoration options are usually limited to paint and wallpaper options. But Clicwall comes in 142 UNILIN Evola colours and can be fully customised to your preferences. Fast food chain KFC was looking for a way of creating that typical American country feel for its restaurants in the UK and the Netherlands. They got the look they were looking for by fitting panels with milled vertical grooves.

Clicwall creative wall covering

If you’re looking to express your artistic licence differently, then Clicwall offers you the option of a print finish with any photograph or illustration that you like. Burger restaurant Quick opted for a combination of playful illustrations with contemporary OSB printing – a hygienic solution for a modern, structured result.

Clicwall decorative wall covering

In a fingerClic

To remain relevant as a retail or catering business, you need to stay on trend and freshen up your interior every so often. It’s not something that most businesses look forward to – it’s time consuming and disruptive, often forcing you to close for weeks. With Clicwall, you can keep disruption to an absolute minimum, with the old panels out and the new ones in with just a “clic” of the fingers. Neat and tidy installation and no dust makes Clicwall ideal for working in stages, allowing you to keep your business open while work is underway.

Excellent scratch resistance

As Clicwall is available in a wide range of UNILIN Evola decors, including traditional and playful uni-colours and a number of realist concrete and wood designs, there’s certain to be a solution for every space, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the sustainable quality of UNILIN panels. The melamine top layer makes Clicwall panels particularly easy to maintain and resistant to intensive use. Clicwall’s scratch-resistant, impact-resistant properties are well suited to hospitals, schools, sports halls, hotels and other high-traffic areas.

Clicwall decorative wall covering

Sustainable design

For UNILIN Panels, sustainability is at the top of the agenda. The wood used for Clicwall wall panels is 100% post-consumer wood from sustainable forestry and roadside verge management. We are happy to make use of it to produce high-quality panels. By opting for Clicwall, you are also playing your part in a sustainable circular economy.

Would you like to see for yourself the ingenuity of Clicwall? Request a Clicwall sample and discover the benefits.

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